Hidden Secrets

From the outset we wanted the Hunter Wetland’s interpretation to be ‘image focused’ and light on visible text. The problem was that there was just so much fascinating detailed information to share with everyone. So how to balance the two objectives became a key design consideration.

There were also some interesting story lines around the history of the wetlands that lent themselves to before and after images as well as the fluctuations in water levels throughout the seasons that could be told nicely by contrasting images.

The solution for all of these came in the form of flaps that could hide secret answers. From blocks of detailed text hidden behind feature images to historical photos hidden behind modern images, the flaps provide a layer of discovery and encourage immersion and interaction. They provide a reward for searching, the knowledge available to those who seek it.

Throughout the interpretation subtle layers and variations in the depth of the display have been used to create a more intimate and absorbing surface, drawing the viewer in and immersing them within it. The flaps add another level to this effect, encouraging interaction and not just observation.