Wetland Diorama

At the centre of the recent Hunter Wetlands Centre interpretation space, we created this amazing diorama of a wetland habitat.

The diorama offers context to many of the subjects and themes discussed throughout the interpretation space. It also offers a relatable and fascinating lure into the space. As such it acts as both the starting point and the finishing point of someone’s journey through the interpretation space making it especially important feature.

Scale is fascinating. It’s one of our favourite ways to create interest and intrigue. Making the subject larger or smaller than it would naturally be awakens something childlike in all of us, a wondrous and playful curiosity. We used this to great effect with the wetland diorama, introducing a miniature world of action and activity hidden in a scene of comparative tranquility. The model features many characters, both human and animal which hint at hidden story lines that inspire one’s imagination. At  the same time many of the habitats, species and observable behaviours are wonderfully and accurately represented.

We believe this centre piece to the installation offers the perfect portal to transport the observer into a world of fascination and discovery.